Eagle Gospel Illusions


There are also many different Seminars I could do for your Church and Business as well.

I will do all these Seminars within a 400 mile one way distance at this time.

1. Witnessing Seminar  $300.00 Retainer Fee then $15.00 per person when I get there.
Here I will teach and Show several Different ways to witness and to bring people to a saving knowledge. It won't be just one. I will also show you how to have a Visitation Ministry and then that Saturday Night I do a Christian Illusion/Ventriloquist Show With a salvation Message. then the Visitors fill out some paperwork and then you have your first Visitors to visit and maybe witness to.

2. Teaching Seminar  $300.00 Retainer Fee then $15.00 per person when I get there.
Here I will show you ways to make Sunday School, Youth, Adult, Children's Church, and eve Children's Sermon or fun and enjoyable so they learn more and aren't bored. This will be an all day Saturday Event.

. DISTRICT Gospel Illusion Seminar 
$300.00 Retainer Fee then $15.00 per person when I get there.  Here I will show you how it works why it works and how to apply it to scripture Etc. So I will not only be teaching you how to do the Illusions but also how to create your own. How to convert existing Illusions into Gospel Illusions. I will teach as much as I can in two days Friday evening and all day Saturday.  Here is a Schedule for those days. 6:00pm-9:00pm Friday, 8:00am-12:00noon then 1:00pm-5:00pm 6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday all day class because I want to teach them well but also give them some stage time as well. Saturday Evening Just the Class as the audience though.

4. Sales Seminar 
$300.00 Retainer Fee then $15.00 per person when I get there.
Here I will teach you many and good ways to sell your product using the art of Illusion to get your point across and to sell more product. I will Show you how to get past the Front desk receptionist, (The Gate Keeper). How to get AND KEEP your contacts attention. How to keep your Group meetings attention, And how to get more people to sign up in the One on One's. Then I will also show you how to do individual House sales to. All using the art of Illusion. (Stage Magic like David Copperfield only not the Illusions) I will give you more than enough to get started. Now this seminar will cost $50.00 a person but it will be from  9:00 am to 10:00 PM with breaks for lunch and dinner allowed.

I will begin these Seminars June 1st 2013 and I will only go 400 miles one way from My home town of Moultrie GA. 35 miles SE of Albany GA.          

Go to Contact us and send an E-mail with date you want me to come.
I can also come and just do a Christian Illusion/Ventriloquist Show but again a $300.00 Retainer and Free will Offeringat the end of the Show.