Eagle Gospel Illusions

 This Ministry

My name is Pastor Charles Rice. I have been ordained by 4 Different Independant Christian Organizations they are listed Below

Trinity Evangelical Christian Ministries Ord. Jan 11 2006

Major in Ministry Minor Christian Counceling                                            

St Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries Ord June 27, 2011

Major in Ministry Minor Christian Counceling                                            

Message From Above Ministries Ord March 15, 2012

Major in Ministry Minor Christian Counceling

Missionary Chapel Ministries Ord May 23, 2012                                 

Now you may be asking why so many ordinations? I have a few good reasons

1. To see if I could

2. To have a better understanding of scripture from different viewpoints so I can be more knowlegable in scripture

3. To be able to work with different Christian organizations and not just one.

4. My main goal is to bring as many people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as I can and not have silly arguments over weather All the gifts are still here or weather the pastor is the only one who can serve communion, Or any of a number of other differences in Denominations. No my main goal is as I said above is to either bring as many people to a saving knowledge or that they rededicate their lives to God.

5. I do all this for God First and so you can make your Church Grow. Also so when I get to heaven God will say to me "Well done."

Now I use several different ways to do this.

Gospel Illusion Shows

Here I come and do just an Outreach Show with the plan of salvation at the end but this would be more one you do for your Next door neighbors because people move on an average of once every 10 years so the people next door to your Church aren't the same people as they were 10 years ago. Neither are the people in the Neighborhood. Thats why you do a Show like this it gets their attention and if you have prayer warriors praying this could very well make your Church grow. But I could also do one that reaffirms what God is trying to tell existing members as well. Sometimes a Magic trick can really get their attention MUCH MUCH better than the greatest preacher could.


Witnessing Seminar

Here I can show your members 4 different ways to witness including using different tracts. Then I could do a Gospel Illusion/Ventriloquist show and saving Illustration and the Visitors who either became Christians or were just visiting, your Visitation team (Part of what I teach in the Seminar is how to have a good visitation team.) would go talk to them. Then you can have your church grow.

Sunday School Seminar

Here I will Show MANY different ways to make Sunday School more interesting for ALL age groups not just for the Children. (I went to one Sunday School Class that it was 45 min long 30 minutes was nothing but a coffee clutch and catch up on the church gossip. then they had a 5 minute prayer time of the needs of the Church that's ok but then they only had a 10 minute ACTUAL Sunday School Class. For Adults Sunday School Should almost be Bible College level and not just a silly Gossip Coffee Clutch.) I will show you how to work with ALL Age Groups and not just the younger Children. I will Show you how Gospel Illusions and Ventriloquism can be great tools in ALL age groups not just Children.


District Gospel Illusion Seminar

Here I will show the District people how to do as much Gospel Illusions as I can.

I will Show them not only how to do some Illusions but also how to take standard Illusions and make them into Gospel Illusions. I will also have several of my own Illusions on sale as well. So them how to take inexpensive illusions you can by at Dollar tree or at Big Lot's or at Toys-R-Us, or how to use the Malissa and Doug's Magic Kits as Gospel Illusions as well. I will Show those who come how powerful gospel Illusions can be.

There are people I know of one who has gone all over the world to our Military bases over seas and to colleges all over the world and with his Gospel Illusions and with the help of the Holy Spirit has brought over 2,000,000 (2 Million) people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is also the man who helped David Copperfield with the Disapearing Statue of Liberty. His name is Andre Kole.

There was also another man who worked with Charles Stanley out of Atlanta GA He went to different Churches doing his Gospel Illusions and it is said that he again with the help of the Holy Spirit brought over 200,000 (2 Hundred Thousand) to a saving knowledge.

There is a group call 'The Fellowship of Christian Magicians." They have members that go over seas and again with the Holy Spirits help Bring as many people to Christ as the Billy Graham Revivals used to.

I would do the Seminar for $25.00 per person then have a Gospel Illusion show that Saturday Night and we split that Free will offering After we have the invitation.15% to you for use of the Church and 85% to me because I have to make a living doing these Seminars.

So that should show you that this is a good and usable ministry.

Go to Seminars page to find out more.

Insurance Sales Seminar

Here I show how to use this art of Illusion to help boost their Insurance sales. I work all parts of Insurance sales From getting past the Gate Keeper when working with Group Insurance Plans to talking to people in their house.

This would be an All day Saturday Event $50.00 per person and I would split the total 35% to you and 65% to me. If you go to the Seminars page you will see some possibilities for you to look at. 


There will be more seminars on the way but these are all for now.

Sales Information

I can Come do a Seminar on how to use the art of Magic to sell more Insurance.

You are probably saying thats crazy. But is it really? Doing the Illusions saying the proper thing while you do, well they will probably listen more because there may be more Magic. It will help you keep their Attention and help you get past the gate keeper (Front desk Secretary). So I would teach Illusions to get past the Gate Keeper, Help you to sell to the Contact. (Hr Director, V.P.) then the group meeting if you have to do those. On to the Individual one on one's with each Employee. That is for group insurance for work places.

For Individual Insurances like House, Car, and even Health ins if their workplace doesn't have any, I have a lot of the Same Illusions but I keep to the Smaller ones because you can't take some of the bigger ones int a house without them looking at you funny. For these they have to be able to fit in your briefcase and those are the ones I teach you how to use for individual Insurance. So here you would need a trick maybe for the Child who may answer the door. Then acouple to show your different Personal Insurances including Car and RVS (Boats and 4 Wheels Included in that) Health, Life, Home, Flood, or whatever Insurance you sell one on one.

So I could do a Group insurance Seminar or a personal Insurance Seminar For your Insurance firm to help them sell more Insurance. I would ask for $45.00 per person but that will include Illusions to get started with. And you get 15% of the gross to pay for the place to do it and for the flyers to post for it. So you could actually make some money on this if we got enough people interested. You could make it a District Class and not just your Insurance firm. or you could do this City Wide. you would still get the 15% but again you would have to pay for the place and the flyers to do this.

I will go one way 400 miles to your town to do these Seminars Sales or Christian Seminars as well as the Shows for the Churches, and benefits for the right Organizations. So send me an E-mail with a possible date and I will see what I can do.